Justice Chitta Ranjan Dash
Born on 21.05.1962.
Place of Birth : Sonepur
Father’s Name : Late Justice Jagneswar Dash
Mother’s Name : Late Sudhamayee Dash
Passed Matriculation in the year 1978 from Panchayata Samiti High School, Ullunda in the District of Sonepur.
Passed Intermediate In Arts from Dhenkanal College Dhenkanal.
Graduated from B.J.B. College, Bhubaneswar with Political Science (Hons) in the year 1982.
Graduated in Law from Madhu Sudan Law College, Cuttack in the year, 1985.
Obtained Degree of LL.M. as a Non-collegiate candidate in Utkal University on Constitutional Law as Special Paper.
Enrolled as an Advocate in 1986 and joined the office of Hon'ble Shri Justice A.S. Naidu as a junior.
Appointed as Additional Standing Counsel in the year 1992 and continued till the end of 1994.
Joined the service in the Cadre of Orissa Superior Judicial Service (Senior Branch) as a Direct Recruit on 16.02.1999.
Worked as Additional District & Sessions Judge, Sambalpur, Additional District & Sessions Judge, Deogarh, Special Judge (Vigilance), Sambalpur, District & Sessions Judge, Keonjhar, District & Sessions Judge, Berhampur, Chairman, Orissa Sales Tax Tribunal, Cuttack and Registrar (Administration) of Orissa High Court, Cuttack.
Elevated as an Additional Judge of the Orissa High Court on 07.10.2009.
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