Justice Jay Sengupta
Time Period:02-May-2018 to Present
Was born on 30th October 1970. Studied at South Point High School, Kolkata and passed B Sc with Economics Honours from St Xavier's College, Kolkata. Graduated in law from the University of Mumbai. After enrolment as an Advocate on 29th February 1996, started practicing mainly criminal and constitutional laws before the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta. Also argued cases before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Was an Additional Public Prosecutor for the State Government between 2011 and 2013. Was appointed as a Special Counsel for the Central Government in 2017. Was sworn in as an Additional Judge of the Hon'ble High Court at Calcutta on 2nd May 2018. Appointed as Permanent Judge of the Calcutta High Court on 24.04.2020.
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