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Honorable Judges

Home Honorable Judges

Justice Shampa Sarkar

Time Period:12-Mar-2018 to Present


Born on February 18, 1968.


Graduated with Hons. in English from Loreto College, Kolkata in the year 1989 and in Law from the North Bengal University in the year 1992 and stood 1st class First with Gold Medal.


Enrolled as an Advocate on 29th January, 1993.


Practiced in the High Court at Calcutta, primarily in the Constitutional, Civil and Criminal sides with more emphasis on Writ matters. Appeared on behalf of many authorities viz. Universities, Municipal Corporations including Revenue authorities as the Junior Standing Counsel.


Elevated to the Bench of the High Court at Calcutta as additional Judge on 12th March, 2018. Appointed as Permanent Judge, Calcutta High Court on 12.02.2020

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