No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
1. | Liability of the State in Torts. | 1956 |
2. | Parliamentary Legislation relating to Sales Tax. | 1956 |
3. | Limitation Act, 1908 | 1956 |
4. | On the proposal that High Courts should sit in Benches at different places in a State. | 1956 |
5. | British Statutes applicable to India. | 1957 |
6. | Registration Act, 1908 | 1957 |
7. | Partnership Act, 1932 | 1957 |
8. | Sale of Goods Act, 1930 | 1958 |
9. | Specific Relief Act, 1877 | 1958 |
10. | Law of Acquisition and Requisitioning of Land. | 1958 |
11. | Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 | 1958 |
12. | Income Tax Act, 1922 | 1958 |
13. | Contract Act, 1872 | 1958 |
14. | Reform of Judicial Administration - Vol(1) , Vol(2). | 1958 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
15. | Law relating to Marriage and Divorce amongst Christians in India. | 1960 |
16. | Official trustees Act, 1913. | 1960 |
17. | Report on trusts Act, 1882. | 1961 |
18. | Converts' Marriage Dissolution Act, 1866. | 1961 |
19. | The Administrator-General's Act, 1913. | 1961 |
20. | The Law of Hire-Purchase | 1961 |
21. | Marine Insurance | 1961 |
22. | Christian Marriage and Matrimonial Causes Bill,1961 | 1961 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
23. | Law of Foreign Marriages. | 1962 |
24. | The Commission of Inquiry Act, 1962 | 1960 |
25. | Evidence of Officers about forged stamps, currency notes, etc. Section 509-A Cr.P.C. as proposed. | 1963 |
26. | Insolvency Laws | 1964 |
27. | The Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. | 1964 |
28. | The Indian Oaths Act, 1873. | 1964 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
29. | Proposal to include certain Social and Economic Offences in the Indian Penal Code | 1966 |
30. | Section 5 of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, taxation by the States of Sales in the course of import. | 1967 |
31. | Section 30(2) of the Indian Registration Act, 1908-Extension to Delhi. | 1967 |
32. | Section 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898-Appointment of Sessions Judges, Additional Session Judges and Assistant Sessions Judges. | 1967 |
33. | Section 44, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. | 1967 |
34. | Indian Registration Act, 1908. | 1967 |
35. | Capital Punishment - Vol(1) & Vol(3) | Vol(2). | 1967 |
36. | Sections 497, 498 and 499 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898-Grant of bail with condition. | 1967 |
37. | The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Sections 1 to 176). | 1967 |
38. | Indian Post Office Act, 1898. | 1968 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
39. | Punishment of imprisonment for life under the Indian Penal Code. | 1968 |
40. | Law relating to attendance of Prisoners in Courts. | 1969 |
41. | The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898. | 1969 |
42. | Indian Penal Code. | 1971 |
43. | Offences against the National Security. | 1971 |
44. | The Appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court in Civil Matters. | 1971 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
62. | Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923. | 1974 |
63. | The Interest Act, 1839. | 1975 |
64. | The Suppression of Immoral traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1956. | 1975 |
65. | Recognition of Foreign Divorces | 1976 |
66. | Married Women's Property Act, 1874. | 1976 |
67. | The Indian Stamp Act, 1899. | 1977 |
68. | The Powers of Attorney Act, 1882. | 1977 |
69. | The Indian Evidence Act, 1872. | 1977 |
70. | The transfer of Property Act, 1882. | 1977 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
81. | Hindu Widows Re-marriage Act, 1856. | 1979 |
82. | Effect of nomination under section 39, Insurance Act, 1938. | 1980 |
83. | The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 and certain provisions of the Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956. | 1980 |
84. | Rape and allied offences-some questions of substantive law, procedure and evidence. | 1980 |
85. | Claims for compensation under Chapter 8 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. | 1980 |
86. | The Partition Act, 1893. | 1980 |
87. | Identification of Prisoners Act, 1920. | 1980 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
144. | Conflicting Judicial decisions pertaining to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. | 1992 |
145. | Article 12 of the Constitution and Public Sector Undertakings. | 1992 |
146. | Sale of Women and Children: Proposed Section 373-A, Indian Penal Code. | 1993 |
147. | The Specific Relief Act, 1963. | 1993 |
148. | Repeal of Certain pre-1947 Central Acts. | 1993 |
149. | Removal of certain deficiencies in the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Act No. 59 of 1988). | 1994 |
150. | Suggesting some Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure (Act No. V of 1908). | 1994 |
151. | Admiralty Jurisdiction. | 1994 |
152. | Custodial Crimes. | 1994 |
153. | Inter-Country Adoption. | 1994 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
154. | The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (Act No. 2 of 1974) Vol-I | Vol-II |
1996 |
155. | The Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985(Act No. 61 of 1985). | 1997 |
156. | The Indian Penal Code. Vol-I | Vol-II | 1997 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
175. | The Foreigners (Amendment) Bill, 2000 | 2000 |
176. | The Arbitration and conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2002 | 2001 |
177. | Law Relating to Arrest - Part-I | Part-II | 2001 |
178. | Recommendations for amending various enactments, both civil and criminal Part-I | Part-II |
2001 |
179. | Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers.  Part-I | Part-II | 2001 |
180. | Article 20 (3) of the Constitution of India and Right to Silence | 2002 |
181. | Amendment to Section 106 of the transfer of Property Act, 1882 | 2002 |
182. | Amendment of Section 6 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894. | 2002 |
183. | A Continuum on the General Clauses Act, 1897 with special reference to the admissibility and codification of external aids to interpretation of statutes. | 2002 |
184. | Legal Education & Professional training and Proposals for amendments to the Advocates Act, 1961 and the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. Part-I | Part-II | 2002 |
185. | Review of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Part-I | Part-II | Part-IIIA Part-IIIB | Part-IV | Part-V |
2003 |
No. of the Report | Subject | Year of submission |
235. | Conversion/reconversion to another religion - mode of proof | 2010 |
236. | Court-fees in Supreme Court vis-a-vis Corporate Litigation | 2010 |
237. | Compounding of (IPC) offences | 2011 |
238. | Amendment of Section 89 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and Allied provisions | 2011 |
239. | Expeditious Investigation and trial of Criminal Cases Against 2012 Influential Public Personalities | 2012 |
240. | Costs in Civil Litigation | 2012 |
241. | Passive Euthanasia - A Relook | 2012 |
242. | Prevention of Interference with the freedom of Matrimonial Alliances 2012 (in the name of Honour and tradition ) : A suggested legal framework | 2012 |
243. | Section 498 A, IPC | 2012 |