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Honorable Judges

Home Honorable Judges

Justice Indra Prasanna Mukerji

Time Period:18-May-2009 to Present

Was born on 6 September, 1963 into a family of lawyers, both father and paternal grandfather being barristers and senior Advocates of the Calcutta High Court and maternal grandfather being a senior lawyer of the Kanpur District Court. Was educated throughout in St. Xaviers School and College, Calcutta. Obtained L.L.B. Degree of the University of Calcutta and L.L.B. Degree of the University of London through external examination. Was enrolled as an Advocate on 2nd July, 1990 and practised in Calcutta High Court. Had civil practice with more work in revenue and arbitration matters. Was at the date of elevation to the Bench a Senior Panel Counsel of the Government of India and Damodar Valley Corporation. Taught temporarily at NUJS, Kolkata in 2005. Was a member of I.L.R. Committee of the High Court and a member of General Committee of the Bar Library Club. Was elevated to the bench of Calcutta High Court as a Permanent Judge on 18 May, 2009.

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